Discovery Woods offers preschool for students ages 3-5 as part of our Children’s House.
5-day mornings: 8:00-11:30 $350/mo.
5 or 3-day school day: 8:00-2:50 $400/mo for 3-day, $650 for 5-day
daily after care: 2:50- 5:30 $70/mo.
To register please fill out the enrollment form below and mail or email to: mainoffice@discoverywoods.com
Preschool enrollment form
Early Learning Scholarship Application 2023-24
Students will be enrolled by priority based on the time and date of email received along with their priority status.
Priority will be given to students enrolled for all-day-every-day.
Please contact the office at 218.828.8200 or email mainoffice@discoverywoods.com if interested and/or have any questions about the fee structure.
Discovery Woods offers rich, beautiful learning environments with specialized learning materials to inspire students to explore and discover. Teachers hold Minnesota teaching licenses and training in Montessori methods and materials. Discovery Woods is a public school; teachers use state standards to guide instructional practices. Montessori materials are used as appropriate in the Kindergarten classrooms to introduce concepts and allow the students to practice with hands-on manipulatives. Kindergarten students have designated literacy and math blocks in addition to Montessori learning periods. Environmental education is a cornerstone of student learning at Discovery Woods. Each year, students study seasonal changes in a special tree and learn what trees need to live and grow.
1st-2nd Grade (Lower Elementary)
Discovery Woods configures its classrooms in multi-year age groupings; however, students learn core subject areas (English language arts and math) with grade-level peers. Teachers hold Minnesota teaching licenses and pursue training opportunities to implement evidence-based instruction in English language arts (ELA) and math. 1st and 2nd grade students have a daily handwriting block for 30 minutes. For ELA, students in 1st grade learn to read and spell with Structured Literacy practices using the FlyLeaf curriculum. In 2nd grade ELA, students begin the school year using the FlyLeaf curriculum and then move on to the Bookworms curriculum. Students also have the opportunity to participate in choice reading every day. Open Up Resources K-5 Math is used to teach math at both the 1st & 2nd grade levels. The ELA and math blocks are every day for 45 minutes each. Environmental education is a cornerstone of student learning at Discovery Woods. With environmentally-based themes to guide subject areas, a cross-curricular approach to learning is used when appropriate. Each year, students learn about animal habitats. They create an accurate habitat diorama about a self-chosen animal and present their research to the class. Additionally, students study seasonal changes in a special tree, tracking and graphing changes throughout the school year.
3rd-4th Grade (Middle Elementary)
Discovery Woods configures its classrooms in multi-year age groupings; however, students learn core subject areas (English language arts and math) with grade-level peers. Teachers hold Minnesota teaching licenses and pursue training opportunities to implement evidence-based instruction in English language arts (ELA) and math. For ELA, teachers use the Bookworms curriculum, which includes 45 minutes of shared reading and 30 minutes of writing. Students also have the opportunity to participate in choice reading every day. Open Up Resources K-5 Math is used to teach math during a 45-minute math block. Environmental education is a cornerstone of student learning at Discovery Woods. With environmentally-based themes to guide subject areas, a cross-curricular approach to learning is used when appropriate. Students in grades 3 & 4 learn about energy and food systems through the Project Learning Tree curriculum.
5th-6th Grade (Upper Elementary)
Discovery Woods configures its classrooms in multi-year age groupings; however, students learn core subject areas (English language arts and math) with grade-level peers. Teachers hold Minnesota teaching licenses and pursue training opportunities to implement evidence-based instruction in English language arts (ELA) and math. For ELA, teachers use the Bookworms curriculum, which includes 45 minutes of shared reading. Students also have dedicated time for writing and typing each week. Students participate in choice reading every day. Open Up Resources K-5 Math & Open Up Resources 6-8 Math is used to teach math during the hour-long math block. Math fact fluency practice takes place every day. Environmental education is a cornerstone of student learning at Discovery Woods. With environmentally-based themes to guide subject areas, a cross-curricular approach to learning is used when appropriate. Students at this level participate in a research-based environmental education project each year. In addition, students have the opportunity to be on the school's Green Team to help with recycling efforts.
After Care
We are pleased to be able to offer After School Care to support the needs of our families. After Care runs after school until 5:30, with families able to pick up students as it works in their schedules up to 5:30. A snack is offered, with various activities offered for students including outdoor recreation as the weather permits. Families text or call when picking up students so that someone can meet the adults at the Main Door (parent pick-up/drop-off). After Care is closed when school is closed for weather etc. DWS does charge a late fee of one dollar per minute for every minute after 5:30.