Discovery Woods is a tuition-free public charter school. It is open to any and all students, and does
not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, national origin, sex, or disability.
Sibling(s) applying for 2024-25:
Admission into Discovery Woods will be based solely upon the spaces available in each grade level. Once a child has been admitted, all
other siblings in the family will have priority over other students applying for admission. If a greater number of applications are received by
the deadline than space available, names will be drawn randomly in an admissions lottery. When a grade level has filled, the lottery will
be used to place remaining students applying for that grade on a numbered waiting list.
Discovery Woods knows that a good partnership between home and school is vitally important. Parent involvement in a child’s education in and out of school greatly improves student success. Discovery Woods strives to maximize academic and emotional growth. We expect families and children to make the following commitments:
Timeliness- I will ensure my student arrives on time so that s/he can participate in all classroom activities.
Attendance- I will make every effort to ensure my student attends school except in the case of illness or pre-arranged
trip/vacation. Appointments will be made outside school hours whenever possible.
Communication- I will keep open communication with teachers, administration and the school office.
Participation- I will attend all conferences and events regarding my student(s). I will attend most information sessions that are
offered in order to help me understand the goals of the school and the Montessori philosophy and how I might improve the life
of my child(ren).
Daily Reading- I will read to my child(ren) and listen to s/he read to me for at least 10 minutes every day because I value the
importance of reading.
Skill Building- I will work with my child(ren) every week to build math, reading, spelling and vocabulary skills. I can do this by
practicing counting/math facts, playing games, having meaningful conversations, taking trips to the library, museums and zoos
and choosing educational TV programs and computer games.
Nutrition- I will encourage healthy eating by providing healthy snacks, drinks and lunches for my student(s). I understand the
school lunches are comprised largely of fruits and vegetables and will try to incorporate these food groups in meals I send to
school and provide outside of school.
Health- I will ensure my child gets the proper amount of sleep every night. (Experts recommend 10-11 hrs/night for 7-12
year-olds.) I will limit TV, video game and computer use. I will make every effort to create a stable, predictable schedule and home
environment for my child(ren). I will encourage family members to eat well, get proper rest and engage in physical activity.
Outdoor Activity- I welcome the time my student will spend outside for recess, Phy-Ed and outdoor education and will make sure
s/he dresses for the weather (warm clothes in winter, sunscreen on sunny days).
Environmental Awareness- I understand one of the goals of Discovery Woods is to increase environmental awareness among
students and families. I will do my best to learn from school and my child(ren) to increase my appreciation for the earth and
Volunteerism- I understand that I will be an important part of the Discovery Woods family. I am willing to find a way to support,
serve on a committee or volunteer to help the students and the school achieve great things.