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COVID-19 Information

September 15, 2021


Discovery Woods School Board revised the matrix plan and 2021-2022 calendar.


September 2, 2021

Discovery Woods School Board met this evening to work on the COVID-19 Decision Matrix. The matrix is a work in progress as we want to make sure we are not only listening to our families but also making responsible choices for our students and staff. The board will be meeting again on September 15th to continue refining the matrix. The board and administration will continue to get input from families as we work through this progress and get through the school year. The administration will be sharing the county data that is determining our protocols with families to be very transparent. The most current data is from 8/15-8/28 and is at 41.7 cases per 10,000 estimate so students have the option of wearing a face mask.

Our matrix is on the website page, DW Facebook page and here is the link:


June 18, 2021


Update: DW plans to have in person instruction for the 2021-2022 school year with extra cleaning and sanitizing. We will await further guidance from MDH and MDE. Please see our 2021-2022 Safe Learning Plan for further information.


April 30, 2021


Update: We are so happy the school has been able to continue in-person instruction since January/February. We continue to take precautions with hand-washing, social distancing, cohorts, mask wearing and extra cleaning. DW follows the MDH Decision Tree as well as new guidance found on the MDH website for certain conditions where only a 7-day quarantine is necessary.


February 18, 2021


Dear Discovery Woods families,
The State of Minnesota has announced the launch of the Minnesota COVID-19 Vaccine Connector, which is a
tool that helps Minnesotans find out when, where and how to get their COVID-19 vaccine.
This system is a proactive way for all Minnesotans to indicate their interest in receiving a vaccine, so that when
they become eligible, they can be alerted and connected to resources to schedule a vaccine appointment.
Below is some information about the Vaccine Connector that you may find helpful.
Should I complete the Minnesota COVID-19 Vaccine Connector form?
All Minnesotans who would like to receive a COVID-19 vaccine should fill out the form to ensure they stay
updated on vaccination opportunities in their area when they become available.
Who can get vaccinated now?
Demand for vaccine far exceeds supply, and Minnesotans are encouraged to remain patient as more vaccine
arrives in the weeks and months ahead. Minnesota is continuing to distribute vaccines using a phased approach
to immunize for impact by focusing on populations with the highest risk of getting COVID-19, as well as those
most at risk of severe illness and complications if they become infected.
In Minnesota, you are eligible now to get vaccinated if you are a:
Minnesotan age 65 or older
Health care worker
Long-term care resident or staff member
Prekindergarten through Adult Basic and Community Education school staff member, or contracted
school staff member
Child care staff member at a licensed and certified child care center or program
How do I sign up?
Signing up for the Vaccine Connector is easy, safe and secure.
All Minnesotans 18 years of age and older should sign up, no matter their current vaccine eligibility
There will be no cost and no restricted time period for signing up.
Health insurance and personal identification forms are not required for signing up.


Go to to sign up.
Minnesotans unable to sign up online can have family or friends help them sign up online, or call 833-
431-2053 for assistance signing up over the phone.
Translation is available by phone in all languages. Minnesotans can call the translation hotlines at 833-
431-2053 and 651-318-0989 for assistance signing up over the phone.
All Minnesotans have to do to sign up is provide basic information such as contact information,
demographic data, medical history, and employment to determine their eligibility based on state
The State of Minnesota is committed to the equitable distribution of safe and effective vaccines for
protection against COVID-19 and the Vaccine Connector form has included questions about gender
identity, sexual orientation, race, cultural identification, and disabilities to help us track and measure
equity and fairness throughout the vaccine distribution process. These questions do have the option to
select “prefer not to answer” or “none of the above,” and selecting these answers will not prevent you
from signing up for the Vaccine Connector.
What happens after I fill out the Minnesota COVID-19 Vaccine Connector form?
As more vaccine becomes available, the Minnesota COVID-19 Vaccine Connector will send you updates about
your COVID-19 vaccine eligibility and opportunities to receive the COVID-19 vaccine in Minnesota.
In the months ahead as vaccine supply increases, the Vaccine Connector will help Minnesotans know where
vaccine is in the state, find out when they are eligible to get it, and connect them to a vaccine opportunity near
them — no matter where they live or their personal circumstances. Before and after you are vaccinated, it’s
important to continue to take simple steps to slow the spread of illness by wearing a mask, staying 6 feet away
from others, washing your hands, and staying home whenever possible
For more information, please visit
The Vaccine Connector is open to all Minnesotans. Please feel free to share this information with your family,
friends and others who may be interested.


Thank you,
​Kristi Crocker
School Director


January 14, 2021


Just a reminder that tomorrow, Friday 1/15/2021 there is no K-2 instruction as teachers are using this for in-service to prepare for in person instruction. There is child care for those already using this service and preschool.


Monday there is No School in observance of Martin Luther King Jr Day, no child care and no preschool


Kindergarten through second grade students return to in person instruction beginning Tuesday January 19th. We will have regular hours 7:35am beginning drop off/doors unlocked, 8:00am school begins, 1:30pm bus dismissal, 1:35pm to 2:00pm pick up. After Care is open until 5:00pm. In person instruction will be as before, Monday through Thursday with Flex Fridays for teacher chosen students, child care and preschool.


We also have great news that we will be able to bring back the 6th grade students with the third through fifth grade students on Monday February 1st. There is still limited transportation so everyone that is able should drop off/pick up. We will be contacting families regarding 6th grade transportation.


November 10, 2020


Discovery Woods Families,


We are reaching out this afternoon to let families know that Discovery Woods has to shift learning models and plans to follow what ISD 181 has decided.


Beginning Monday, November 16th, all K-6 students will begin distance learning full time. On Monday, November 16th and Tuesday, November 17th school will be closed and there will be no instruction in order to provide staff with time to prepare for the shift. Preschool will follow their regular schedules in person at the school.


The rationale behind the decision to shift learning models includes the following:


  1. Crow Wing County Public Health has reported the current rate of new cases in our county at

over 60 cases per 10,000 residents, showing a doubling of positive new cases since fall break.

   2. The Public Health Department is confident the trend will continue as unprocessed tests are

completed and added to the data. We follow their recommendations and certainly appreciate

and respect their expertise and the many ways they’ve been a help to us this fall.

   3. The MN Department of Health case rate that will be reported on November 12th will be well

above the 50 new cases per 10,000 threshold outlined in the model provided by MDE and the

Governor’s office.

   4. The active cases in our school and among our staff have made staffing our school a significant


   5. With ISD 181 going to distance learning we would not have transportation which does not allow for equitable instruction amongst students.

   6. And finally, the health and safety of our students and staff has always been and must always be

our top priority. We need to make sure our Patriot family stays healthy.


Here are a handful of logistical details regarding the days ahead:


  • School will be closed with no instruction on November 16th and 17th (including for Distance Learners) so teachers can prepare.

  • Child care will be available (free for tier 1 essential employees) on November 16th and 17th. Please contact Taylor at to get signed up and to answer any questions.

  • Beginning Wednesday, November 18th, distance learning for all students will begin.

  • During distance learning, free meals will be available for pickup, more information regarding days, times and pick up areas to come.

  • Families should continue to report cases of illness to school attendance lines while distance learning to help the district contact trace and monitor school level data.


In the days ahead, students should expect communications from classroom teachers.

This is not a decision anyone wants to make. We want our students to be here in our schools

where they learn best, but we need to respond to the significant increase in cases to protect our

students, staff, and the greater community. Thank you for continuing to

support our students and staff.



DW Admin Team

October 29, 2020


We are reaching out to provide an update regarding our district learning models and how we are responding to new cases of COVID in our communities.  Based upon the information shared below, Discovery Woods Schools is planning to maintain our current learning models next week.


Discovery Woods have had just a handful of confirmed COVID cases since school began, and in each of those cases we have been able to contact trace and contain it successfully.  The staff have done an excellent job of implementing this work and are certainly to be commended!  Also, thanks to some excellent work by Crow Wing County Public Health, the district is frequently provided up to date information regarding new cases of COVID in our communities at a level that is more granular than total county data allowing us to better assess how it is directly impacting our district communities.


It is still important however, to stay prepared to switch to distance learning quickly should a “cluster” show up in a school.  A cluster is declared when the number of new cases outpaces the ability of the district or the MDH to contact trace and get people quarantined.  The common practice in this situation has been a 14 day “reset” period to complete the incubation period and identify those that show delayed symptoms to stop the spread.  The development of a cluster in a school is highly probable to occur at some point in the school year.  Discovery Woods also has to follow ISD 181 elementary school guidance due to using their transportation so there is a possibility with rising county numbers in the next week that ISD 181 may further their distance learning to elementary schools. Please be prepared for this possibility. Our staff are continuing to keep your students learning while keeping them safe and we hope to continue in person instruction.


September 15, 2020


Due to the discovery of two positive COVID-19 cases within our small learning community, Discovery Woods will be moving to Distance Learning for approximately four weeks beginning tomorrow, Sept 16, 2020.  If you have extenuating circumstances, please email, and we will help you find a resolution. At this time, we are planning to return to in-person instruction on Monday, October 12th. Unfortunately, due to the nation-wide electronics shortage, the Chromebooks we ordered are still backordered. If you have a device your child can use, please do so, and, if you need a device for your child, please contact us. Specific classroom plans will be coming from your student's teacher.  Thank you so much for your patience and understanding during this challenging time.


Discovery Woods Administration


March 15, 2020


Dear Discovery Woods Families:


The health and safety of all students in Discovery Woods is a priority for our district. There was a phone conference this morning with all school leaders regarding the announcement made at 10:00am this morning to the public. Due to the COVID-19 status in Minnesota Govenor Walz and his staff have issued that MN Schools need to close by Wednesday, March 18th and continue to be closed through Friday March 27th to begin talks of distance learning if it is needed. After reaching out to ISD 181 regarding their plan I was invited to attend their administrative decision meeting this morning.


Discovery Woods has made the decision to close beginning tomorrow, Monday, March 16, 2020. The Discovery Woods Board will be meeting tomorrow afternoon prior to their meeting to discuss distance learning and making sure students are still getting the appropriate education that they need. Teachers and staff will continue to discuss distance learning options as well.


Please continue to watch for communication from Discovery Woods as we work through this issue.


Kristi Crocker
Executive Director


Useful Links

MN Dept of Health

Center for Disease Control

Crow Wing County COVID Information

Preparedness Plan

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